Nacho and Maria
Nacho and Maria
I received an email from a great friend Phong who told me his company was hiring and needed some help with a new employee moving to town. Nacho and I spoke by phone for weeks before we actually meet. He shared their vision for this new opportunity to move his family to the US. The schools were a huge concern for them. We had long talks about Spain and their family’s lifestyle and what to expect moving to Texas.
The day finally came that Nacho and Maria landed in Houston. They had heard so many things and looked at so much online, their heads were spinning. The purpose of their trip was to get a good understanding of the area and see if they could locate a rental property. It was a tough rental market in our area. Every home went quickly and there were lots of barriers to overcome for international transplants.
They went home from that trip not knowing where they would live and had to trust that I heard their heart cry and their wish list. As the days turned to weeks, the time was drawing near for the permanent move to take place. One morning while searching, a new listing popped up and it sounded like what we were looking for. I jumped in my car and headed over to inspect it. The perfect timing and the perfect situation came together. They were able to secure the lease and move right in the day they landed to start their new life. What a joy to know them and see them accomplish big dreams, Wow!
~ Paula Cleveland